A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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You will play as Garrick Reynolds, a news co-anchor. You and your female co-host, Cassandra Hamilton, are both alphas that clawed your ways to where you are now. The new problem is that the station is getting bought by a big news corporation and there will only be one anchor when the sale goes down. Both you and your colleague will try to sabotage each other to get that coveted spot. Maybe her college aged daughter would be a good place to start.

If you'd like the cheat code, you can get it here for 10$.  This will also give you all cheat codes for my other games AND let you play the latest build of my current game under development.  (All other games can be found on the main page of my patreon.)


PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
Rated 3.8 out of 5 stars
(38 total ratings)
GenreCard Game, Strategy
Tags2D, Adult, anal, domination, Erotic, humiliation, Singleplayer, submission, trainer


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

News desk V1.00.rar 71 MB
News desk V1.00.app.zip 87 MB
News desk V1.00 LINUX.rar 81 MB
News desk.apk 98 MB


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(1 edit)

What are the cheat codes?

Edit; Doesnt matter, its a paid exclusive.

Any plans for a Steam release?

Which version of Android is the APK for? Because it definitely isn't configured for Android 14


This is extremely impressive. Great art, great gameplay loop, incredible amount of content. I wound up waiting until all the corruption tracks were completely maxed out and i had about $1700 and 1000 blackmail before going on the offensive, and I wound up with about 400 of each left over.


I have maxxed out the blackmail options for Cassandra, but the "shining reputation" card is still in her deck? "Trashed reputation" is there too though, and occasionally appears alongside the shining one. 

I assume that's not intentional.

how do I get tiffany ? 

(1 edit)

Very cool game, but how do I save ?? I'm on windows, tried also on linux but cannot find the button to save the game.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks!  When you are in town, you can save in your home.


So I'm confused what's the fastest way to get glory?

Hi, I'm trying to use Mac to play, but the game can't be opened. Any ideas how to solve it? Thanks!

Mac can be  finicky for some people.  Here's two ways that had the most success:

Open the app normally, and get the error message you saw.  Dismiss the error message, taking care to not let it automatically move the app to the trash.

Right-click on the app, and select 'Open'.  You'll get another, slightly different, message, this time with three options.  Choose 'Run Anyway'.

If asked, enter your Admin password (and user, if you aren't running as an admin).  Note that you may not be asked, depending on a variety of factors.

At this point the app should be running - and you'll be able to quit it, and re-open it normally.  This is a one-time-per-application-version process.  (So, new versions of the app will require it again.)


- Those who download, do not double click it: right click and extract using a 3rd party extractor like The Unarchiver or Keka

- Double click the extracted app, Mac will show a message saying that it is not allowed to run

- Go to system security settings, unlock it and click to open it

Hope this helped!

Thanks for the reply! Btw, what's the maximum number of cards that I could have in my stock? I don't see a quota in the game.

I do believe it's 40.  It's been a while.  Lol.


what is the cheat code


You can get it on my patreon.   ^_^


How do I change the size of the game-window?

You can press ALT+ENTER for full screen.  Other game sizes to come in the future.

For some reason parts of the screen arent in my phone like im zoomed in any idea how to fix that as i have an samsung galaxy s20 


I know it’s somewhat late for this type of comment but I’m of two minds about this game so far.

I’ve been playing it for a bit and like a lot about the game’s flow. Cassandra starts out nigh unbeatable and you’re just controlling the bleeding while trying to build up your own strength, weakening her as you prepare to pounce and reverse the roles.

This is a fun dynamic and gives the game some nice tension. It’s quite satisfying once you decide you can actually start winning and flip the switch to go aggressive.

The game also has a lot of content and it’s satisfying to advance all the different tracks. But I think it also tries a bit too hard to no lose all its teeth, so to speak.

So some progression spoilers from here on out

Cassandra has 4 categories of cards. There’s her “personal cards” which are the ones you weaken by blackmailing her Her reputation card, which weakens as you progress with her overall blackmailing tracks There’s Tiffany’s card which stands on its own And there’s her “support cards”. Things like interns and empty wallet which you can’t weaken.

So the thing is that as you advance through Cassandra’s blackmail tracks (this COULD be related to glory thresholds from you but that doesn’t seem to be the case) and her personal cards get weaker, the game fights back and tries to up the difficulty by enhancing her support cards. Additionally you lose max hand size and start getting random hostile events when trying to explore (something other people have complained about).

This ends up making the game quite difficult again because the support cards are quite powerful and having less cards in general really hurts. Additionally, the dynamics of the game are a bit all over the place. In the “survival stage” one of your main goals is accumulating resources. By the time I decided to go on the offensive, I had around 1200 money and blackmail. But you need to spend a lot of those resources in order to win against Cassandra, especially since in some ways, your work weakening her personal cards gets undone, as she becomes strong with a whole different set of cards which are by and large, all strong in inconvenient ways.

So it ends up feeling like the game sort of punishes you for not “finding a sweetspot” where Cassandra is juuust weak enough to be beaten but not weak enough that her support cards become oppressive, which seems a bit counterintuitive.

It also feels a bit weird, if you finish all of Cassandra’s tracks, for example, she has essentially no money, yet “empty wallet” is now a “loads of riches” card. But does mean that there is a very genuine fear that you get into an irrecoverable situation.

At this stage of the game, smaller hand, hostile overworld and more aggressive Cassandra means that taking a break to gather more resources (as you DO burn through those so easily) as she desperately tries to claw back from 0 glory (where you will easily put her at the tail end of your survival stage) doesn’t really feel feasible, you’re bleeding more than ever and it’s hard to hoard anything, despite you having weakened Cassandra as much as you can.

Again, it’s a bit like you’re being told that you went too hard on what the game told you to do (at least initially). At where I am as I write this, I’m between 700 and 800 glory, I believe I have between 200 and 300 money and blackmail and I’m not sure how longer I can go on. I think I can win from here, playing more carefully and all, but I have more than half of emili’s track as well as the entire “optional tiffany” track you pay for to go through in terms of events and I don’t at all believe I have any chance of getting through those, because the game will not allow me to claw back if I cede any ground. I have become too powerful and, thus, the game is too hard and too punishing.

So… yeah. For people wanting to get into this, 1200/1200 not really enough to claw through the glory hoarding stage of the game comfortably. You DO get access to some more powerful cards later on once Cassandra gets whore status but looking for them becomes risky because half the time you trigger an overworld event that’s just you getting beaten up for less 20 energy (which becomes hard to hoard as you’re probably going even harder for work in battles now) and money (which is dwindling as you pay to get her influence down).

Other than that, the combat system IS interesting and HAS fun dynamics. All of the 4 allies are really useful and well worth the quest chains and there is A LOT of nice erotic content here. Just a shame the progression becomes a bit of a slog in the end in that way.


is there any way to full screen?

I enjoyed playing this game and put maybe an hour or two into it, but when I went to exit I was unable to save the game or access the save page and ended up losing all of my progress; great game, I just wanted to let you know in case it wasn't just a "me" thing " :((

(1 edit)

You could not save?  You're the first one to report this.  On what device were you playing it?

I'm playing it on a mac, through the itch.io app


I see.  I'm guessing that some kind of firewall stopped the saves from sticking.  I would suggest downloading the game to make sure it doesn't happen again.


Absolutely love this game, well done. The pace that the difficulty and reward ramps up is very refined and it was cool that I could pivot my deck to a higher risk/reward setup when the sex cards started becoming available. I can see all the potential for different setups. A couple of questions if you have the time:

1. How do the “Whore” cards work? I haven’t figured out how to implement/use them

2. What does Cassandra’s “work” accomplish? Is this what allows her to upgrade her cards/nerf the player or is that determined by something else?

Also I know the game is complete but a couple of constructive criticisms that could be helpful for future similar builds:

1. The punishment factor for traversing town is too great after a certain point (getting jumped all the time, random events that make you lose stuff). It becomes annoying and counterproductive to explore, even though the most interesting deck building elements are available in town at this point in the game. The difficulty should be (and is) in battling Cassandra, not clicking around town.

2. It would be nice if you didn’t lose cards completely when you removed them from your deck. There should be a reserve pile that you can add/subtract from. 

3. I know there are some tutorial elements but a comprehensive manual with explanations of all the cards would be nice. 


im actually lost i cannot find a way to beat her, i tried blackmailing her and weakening her cards but it takes so long to get it and shes already at 700 glory, i honestly need a walkthrough


hmmm...  I never did an actual walkthrough but here's a few tips.  In battles, the two things to focus on when she's still strong is to shorten the fights as much as possible by letting her hit your influence  and making sure she gets as little work as possible.  By focusing on those two things, you'll easily buy yourself enough time to blackmail her into oblivion.  Working on her daughter will also provide great dividends.  ^_^

well eventually i got it, in my 3rd playthrough, its the rng that i hate (in general, im the unluckiest person istg), the events on the town that happens sometimes punish you too hard, its so easy to lose progress just because of one thing that you cant avoid, i do love how the strategy and how this game works though, actually wouldnt mind if it was still in progress bc i would love to see more

is the game 100% done ?, last the I played a big part wast


Yep!  All done.

It's great game but its too hard to win. Looks like no chance could be win without cheat. Sadly

Focus on weakening her before trying to take her down.  The more you blackmail her, the better your chances will be.  Just survive at first.

I would really like to recommend the game, but sadly i can't. It looks really promising but when you have absolutely zero chance against Cassandra in the battles it's just frustrating. The game could be great, but in the current state, it is to frustrating to be fun to play

Focus on weakening her before trying to take her down.  The more you blackmail her, the better your chances will be.  Just survive at first.  ^_^

been playing for a bit, how do i  get into tiffany's dorm? It just keeps saying a guy is yelling and gives me 5 energy


You have to advance in the game more. 

this game is gold so far